Mitglieder Haushaltsjahr 2024 - 2025


Here you can learn more about the members of the FSR and our committee participation. You will also find the protocols of the meetings here.

Important information

Welcome Week

Here we provide you with current and helpful information as well as instructions for the start of your studies.

Für Studierende

For Students

Here you will find our digital bulletin board, an overview of our "Sehschlangen", available books and the digital version of the "Wurzelmännchen".

Fachschaft Mathematik und Informatik

The Fachschaft M/I is the student representation of mathematics and computer science at the TU Clausthal. This means that we represent all students of all degree programs in mathematics and computer science.

The "Fachschaftsrat (FSR)" is elected once per year by all students of our fields. One of our most important tasks is to help you with questions and problems regarding to your studies. Through our committee participation, we can influence the process "behind the scenes".

Prospective students can contact us to get information from a student's perspective.


Currently not available in english

No news available.