
Sehschlangen are memory records of oral or written examinations. Here you can find all the Sehschlangen that are available to the Fachschaft MI.

To get a Sehschlange we have some rules, so that all students have equal rights.

  1. First semester students get a Sehschlange for free.
  2. We only give Sehschlangen to students who have also given Sehschlangen.
  3. At the moment the Sehschlangen are reserved for members of the Fachschaft MI, unless you have handed in a Sehschlange that has something to do with the courses of study of our Fachschaft.

You can easily request them by mail from our Sehschlangewartin Niklas Schünemann. If you have more Sehschlangen yourself, you can also send them by mail to Niklas Schünemann to help other students.



Sehschlangen from various mandatory and elective courses from the Bachelor and Master programs.



Sehschlangen of various mathematical courses from analysis and algebra to numerics, optimization and function theory.





Sehschlangen of various mathematics courses, which have an "engineer" ("Ingenieur") in their name, but also maths for business studies and chemistry.





All Sehschlangen that do not fit into any of the previous categories